Eco Brite Wash

When you put the science of plants to work for you, it's easy to see why there are more than 100 uses in our guide for Eco Brite. It's why we say: "Safe enough for children to use"! Eco Bright is a non toxic plant based cleaning product with over 100 uses. It is strong enough to clean the oil off your driveway, yet safe enough to wash your face and hands. One 2oz. bottle makes a whole gallon of the safest and best all purpose cleaner ever! Add 2oz. to only 40oz. of water and put into a foaming pump bottle and now you have a safe, non toxic hand washing foam and shaving foam that men and women love!

*Note: Best to dilute with distilled or R.O. (reverse osmosis) water, as Eco Bright will even clean tap water which leaves a white residue on the bottom of the jug it is stored in.
